August 16, 2024

Throughout September you have the opportunity to play a wild game of Yahtzee with us.  Choose the risk you want to take and reap the reward accordingly.

Sounds like fun? Then let’s play!

Many of you have been keeping your eyes on our social media where we released three pretty random clues over the month of July. Ian and I had a lot of fun coming up with those clues and we had many of you stumped. In fact, only two eagle-eyed followers were able to make sense of the confusion. Here are the three clues…
For the first clue, we only used two dice of course, as it would have been far too obvious if we had used five. Rolling two sixes while taking the video was a total fluke.
The second one was a shot of a boat, granted it was a sailboat not a yacht, but if you know Yahtzee you might know the fact that it is derived from a much older dice rolling game called Yacht. And finally the last post was Ian having a bit of fun as the German Ja and the Spanish Si read quickly together sounds a bit like…
We honestly didn’t think anyone would pick up this riddle and put it together. But believe it or not Clare Gunton and Luke Yates somehow pieced it together. They both will get a little spot price from us.  

Now, to the Game

The scorecard was created specifically for our Kinisi Running Yahtzee but other than that the rules are the same. The upper section of the card gives you the opportunity to fill as many runs as you like. If you do one Run after 8pm you get four points. There are five dice in the game of Yahtzee so you can do a total of five of those after 8pm runs giving you a total of 20 points. You do not need to fill the row in order to get any points.

The lower section isn’t quite that easy as you will have to fulfil the row in order to get your points. A Full house for example means you will only receive those 50 points if you climb all  five mountains listed during the month of September. And by the way, if you do not live in the Wanaka region, the 3 of a Kind and the Full House are the only two rows you won’t be able to complete. That means you can still gain up to 330 points anywhere else in the world so don’t let that stop you from participating!

All making sense? Great! That leaves you to choose your level of risk you are willing to take, sign up and get running. Frankly, completing the scorecard won’t be easy and we can’t wait to see how many of you are willing to go big and throw it all on the table. There have been questions of: ‘Is there a prize for the person who completes it first?’ And while we haven’t thought quite that far (as mentioned above it’ll be a bloody tough task) if we get a lot of sign-ups for the Full Monty then we’ll definitely throw in a prize for the first person who completes the scorecard well before the month is over.


Race Season is Upon Us!

Our September Challenge might just be the pre race training you didn’t know you needed. So, come and join us for some fun and let’s welcome spring with open arms!
And if that isn’t quite your jam then we hope you’ll join us on one of our regular social group runs.

Take care and see you all soon!

Ian, Jane and Tilly 💚